I like to think that there's a genuine interest and a quest for knowledge that's been driving my writing. For my Master's Degree (pre-Bolonial classic Diploma equals Master’s Degree in Slovenian system) in Anthropology, I researched the cultural perception of magic, while in the context of my (sometimes also) research journalism work I often wrote critically about technocracy and western politics aswell. I have an erudite interest in other themes like folklore, mythology, medical anthropology, and the social and political sciences, etc. In this light, various pieces can be found here on my blog. Some are only in Slovenian, but I believe one can get the picture.

Maybe just this one thing, I would like to write mainly in Slovenian, because it’s my native language, but yeah… I will be switching to English (I wrote more about this issue: here). So please excuse me for making any slips of the tongue or grammatical errors for a while—I'm not quite sure yet how it echoes. (I don't mind if some grammar nazis point out my—at least the most eyecatching—language mistakes.) I plan to write blogs, articles, and later, who knows, maybe even a book. I'm not sure which themes will be predominant, but the idea is to make a turn to literature, too, in the long run.



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